A hand-full of state-of-the-art experts from the U.S (M.I.T & Columbia University) and Europe (Austria, France, Greece, Italy, UK and Switzerland) join forces this summer in Athens, for a tailored educational experience in the fields of A.I, Big data & Biomedical sciences! Our goal is to connect Biomedical research and Healthcare with Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) & Big Data in the era of the 4thIndustrial Revolution.The concept begun 5 years ago, when the need to educate and train both researchers and healthcare practitioners in new technologies born the idea of an annual summer school in the fields of big data, ethics & A.I.
It was then, that the Director of the School, with a longstanding experience in bioethics as a Member of the Steering Committee of the Department of Bioethics and Philosophical Approach to Law, within the International Chair of Bioethics and with dedicated international literature in the field of ELSI in biomedical research, envisioned an education experience where researchers, healthcare practitioners & A.I experts would come together and exchange know-how and expertise building a strong international multidisciplinary network of qualified in the field scientists.
After some pilot synergies and a long pandemic period which disturbed this initiative, the Biomedical Research Foundation of the Academy of Athens, runs for the first time the first face-to-face innovative summer school aimed to address the above themes. All activities are supported by and run under the auspices of the Academy of Athens. The course will all take place at the premises of the International Organization EPLO in the historic center of Athens (Plaka). The opening ceremony will be streamlined and open to the public. The reception dinner will be held in the historic premises of the garden of the Academy of Athens.
However, nothing would ever be achieved without the amazing contribution of our Academic Partners, Partner Organisations and individual lectures like Dr. Andreas Mershin from M.I.T and who altogether share the same vision and work hard in their respective fields towards the ushering of biomedicine and big data through the A.I threshold. Starting with our Academic Partners Unit Archimedes of the Athena Center and the pioneers of A.I Professors Christos Papadimitriou and Costis Daskalakis and Dr. Timos Sellis and the Center of Research Bioethics of Uppsala, whose in-kind contribution, support, and long discussions conceptualized the vision into a tangible hands-on seminar. Furthermore, our Partner Organizations the EPLO Institute for Sustainable Development, BBMRI-ERIC and the International Chair in Bioethics, World Medical Association Cooperating Center offer their indispensable deep knowledge and expertise in RRI & ELSI with dedicated lecturers from their respective institutions.
The event is organized by FREI S.A sponsored by the Hellenic Health Group.
See you all there!
Dr. Olga Tzortzatou – Nanopoulou
In-house lawyer, Principal Investigator
Head of the Technology Transfer Office
Director "BioMed-AI" Summer School
European Research Council & European Research Executive Agency external ethics expert
Member of the Steering Committee of the Department of Bioethics and
Philosophical Approach to Law, within the International Chair of