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culture Solutions Newsletter

No. 7 > July 2022

Dear cS friend, 

Whether you are an EU official, an artist, a cultural sector actor or even a culture enthusiast, in this newsletter you will find the latest EU cultural relations news and trends as well as updates on our new projects, events and publications. The cS Explains section showcases cS work and cS Explores shares external content and opportunities.

Thank you for your attention and support, 

culture Solutions team

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cS Explains


CULT hearing: Implementation of the New Agenda for Culture and the EU Strategy for International Cultural Relations

 Space for dialogue  Cultural relations 

Our Chair Damien Helly spoke about International Cultural Relations at the European Parliament CULT Committee, with the participation of the European Commission, the European External Action Service and EUNIC. Damien Helly was also one of the stakeholders invited to the preparatory CULT meeting.


 Space for dialogue  Cultural relations 

Damien Helly shared ideas on the best ways to foster innovation and sustainability, increase cooperation, and consolidate socio-economic Resilience of the Cultural and Creative sectors in the Southern Partnership Region.



 Policy analysis  Climate & New Bauhaus 

The submission draws attention to the role of culture and cultural diversity in sustainability matters, which remains mostly absent from existing sustainability reporting standards.


 Policy analysis  Digital & Market 

This piece (in French) looks back at the achievements of the 2022 French Presidency of the EU in the field of digital regulation, and at its implications for EU international cultural relations and foreign policy.



cS Explores

EU policy and politics

Exchange of views on the war against Ukraine and on Kremlin’s war on information

 Cultural relations  European Parliament CULT Committee

Strengthening Cultural Heritage Resilience For Climate Change: Where The European Green Deal Meets Cultural Heritage

 Climate & New Bauhaus  Report by OMC expert group on strengthening cultural heritage resilience for climate change

Conference of the Ministers of Culture of the Euro-Mediterranean Region

 Cultural relations  Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean


International Cultural Relations

 Cultural relations  Report by Voices of Culture

Culture for Health

 Societal change  Mapping by Culture Action Europe

Culture, a global public good

 Cultural relations  Courier edition by UNESCO

ASEF Roundtable #2: Recalibrating the Compass | Culture’s Role in Addressing the Climate Crisis

 Climate & New Bauhaus  Roundtable Report by Asia-Europe Foundation


ICOM Prague 2022 “The Power of Museums”

 Cultural relations  20.08-28.08.22 Conference by ICOM

Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe: Safeguarding European Values, Heritage, and Dialogue

 Cultural relations  05-07.10.22 Forum by Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe

8th Forum entreprendre dans la culture

 Cultural relations  Recording by Ministry of Culture of France


Young experts for “Fair Culture”

 Cultural relations  28.07.22 Call for applications by UNESCO

Call for Good Practices

 Cultural relations  15.10.22 Call for Good Practices by Cultural Heritage in Action

Bringing the Vision for a European Silk Road to Life through Artistic Dialogue

 Cultural relations  Call for applications by Association Européenne des Conservatoires, Académies de Musique et Musikhochschulen (AEC)

The views expressed in cS Explores do not represent the official position of culture Solutions.


Become a partner

Our network of partners includes both the EU institutions and the cultural sector. Contact us now to establish a partnership with cS.

Join us 

We are currently looking for a Research Coordinator, Deputy Communication Coordinator and a Fundraising Collaborator. Apply now!

Speak up

Your opinion matters! Fill in the feedback survey to help us deliver the content you are interested in.


cS is a non-profit organisation and our collaborators work pro bono. Help us continue creating commons in the sphere of EU international cultural relations.

Photo credits (top-left to bottom-right): 1. Interior of a Studio in Paris. Eva Bonnier. Nationalmuseum Sweden. Public domain. 2. Fotografie | Atelier Fritz Bürgin. Theodor Strübin. Cooperation Initiative Museums Basel-Country. CC BY-SA. 3. En elev vid Konstfackskolan modellerar en skulptur i lera. Studio Gullers. Nordic Museum Foundation. CC BY-NC-ND. 4. Thorvaldsen's Studio in the Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Copenhagen. Johan Vilhelm Gertner. National Gallery of Denmark. CC0. 

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