During 2021/22, we continued to work with social landlords, the Social Housing Resilience Group and the Scottish Government in its work to recover from and live with COVID-19.
We did this through our dashboard reports on the impact of the pandemic on social landlords services and providing advice and support for landlord governing bodies as well as individual landlords on issues related to the pandemic and the other new challenges which social landlords face.
We kept a strong focus on regulating to safeguard and promote the interests of tenants and service users through our comprehensive risk assessment, regulatory engagement with social landlords and by using our statutory powers where we needed to.
We published our National Report on the Charter, landlord reports and comparison tool as well as findings from our research with our national Panel of Tenants and Service Users.
Looking ahead for 2022/23 and beyond, we will continue to recognise and prioritise the complex challenges that tenants and their landlords face around costs and affordability. We will also have a strong focus on the quality and safety of tenants’ homes and for Gypsy/Travellers to have sites that meet the standards determined by the Scottish Government. It will also be vital that landlords meet the needs of people who are or have experienced homelessness and we will focus on the provision of temporary and settled accommodation.
We are committed to continuing to work openly with social landlords, tenants and service users, the Social Housing Resilience Group, the Scottish Government and all of our stakeholders as we all work to tackle the challenges ahead and protect the interest of tenants and others who use the services of social landlords.”
George Walker