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Hear from Section Secretary Forrest Olson about his exciting plans to improve communications within the Section as well as sharing some ways YOU can get involved.

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Learn about Ka'Niss Ma'Ingan Lodge Chief Kael Keilwitz, his goals, hobbies, and advice for arrowmen such as yourself.

Learn About Kael
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From December 15th-17th, Totanhan Nakaha Lodge held their yearly Lodge Leadership Development (LLD). Read about how it went and some notes from Lodge Chief Forrest Olson.

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NOAC 2024 is coming up quickly, if the cost is something keeping you from attending, or you would just appreciate financial aid, the Trailblazer scholarship is for you!

Applications are open until January 31st so fill one out and we will see you at the University of Colorado Boulder!

Apply Now

A high quality theme is a must have to drive in attendance to events. We want to hear YOUR ideas for Section Conclave 2024. 

Submit your ideas using the google form by January 31st to have it presented at the Winter Council of Chiefs meeting.

Upcoming Events:

Winter Council of Chiefs: Get together with Arrowmen from across the Section to work on Section Conclave 2024

February 9th-10th

Celebration Lutheran Church

Indian Winter: Gather with Arrowmen to learn the rich history and culture of local Native American Tribes and make your own regalia.

March 8th-10th

Stearns Scout Camp 

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