At the 2023 AGM, Phil was nominated and ratified as the Club's latest Life Member. Club President Mick Coughlan presented Phil with a certificate of Life Membership and had these words to say:
'10 years ago a gentlemen named Phil Caldwell joined our Committee. Having met and played against him I recognised he had the qualities I like in a Committee Member. A good sportsman, honest, unselfish, and a straight shooter.
In his time on the committee Phil has filled many roles. He has been on many match Committees, Vice President, and President for two years.
He is a good listener and makes himself available to all who seek his help. He is an outstanding mentor to our manager Lukas and of course his service in helping our Matriarch, Anges Herbertson, is absolutely outstanding. So it is with great pleasure I would like to bestow Life Membership on Phil Caldwell and thank him for his service.'
Congratulations Phil!