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Newsletter Vol. 18

Pakistan Alliance for Early Childhood | April - June, 2023

News & Updates | Featured Stories | Upcoming Events | Reports | 

General Articles & Announcements | Toolkits & Guides. | Academic Articles

News and Updates

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Pakistan Learning Conference 2023: Building Foundations

The Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training organised a two-day conference on Foundational Learning on 21st and 22nd June 2023 at Serena Hotel, Islamabad. PAFEC was represented at the conference by the CEO as a panelist in the plenary session.

The title of the panel discussion was ‘Progress and Challenges - ECE as the Learning Foundation’. The CEO spoke on Social and Emotional Learning(SEL) as a key component of the Foundational Learning. She elaborated different aspects of Socio-emotional Learning of children which includes self-awareness/ self-identity, self-management/regulation, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making.

At the end of her talk, she made the following recommendations to make SEL part of child development and education system:

  • Create an environment beyond academic instructions; a variety of activities can be carried out in the classrooms for promoting SEL
  • Make SEL cross-cutting in the education system instead of restricting it to ECE
  • Make SEL an integral part of teachers’ professional development and assessment system
  • Build the capacity of parents through parental education programmes to focus on holistic development of children from Zero to age 8
  • Use the assessment tools available globally to promote SEL

Effective SEL helps children to be mentally alert, emotionally sound, socially competent, and ready to learn by becoming resilient, creative, and curious with adequate coping skills to mitigate adverse experiences!

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Transforming the Society through Early Childhood Development

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PAFEC started a podcast series, Transforming the Society through Early Childhood Development, with Ibex Media Network. The first episode of the series, "Early Childhood Development in Pakistan" was released on 26th May, 2023. Amir Hussain (host) and Khadija Khan ignited a thought-provoking conversation challenging existing paradigms in ECD. They unpacked the concept of holistic child development, discussed important phases of child development, role of parents and the home environment as key determinants of a child’s development and well-being. For more details, follow the below link:

Early Childhood Development in Pakistan

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The second podcast, "Beyond Breadwinning: Exploring Role of Father in the Upbringing of Children", was released on 16th May 2023. It explored the pivotal role fathers play in nurturing their children's growth and creating an optimal environment for their overall well-being. In a society where traditional gender roles are evolving; it is crucial to recognise that a father's impact extends far beyond being a mere breadwinner. Together, Khadija and Amir unraveled the major parenting issues faced by parents today and shed light on effective strategies to build the best possible environment for raising a child. Khadija highlighted the importance of father-child relationship both positive and negative and how it impacts child development. For more details, follow the below link:

Beyond Breadwinning: Exploring Role of Father in the Upbringing of Children

The third podcast, How to Raise Healthy Children, featured a distinguished expert in the field of Early Childhood Development (ECD) and parenting: Shafia Rafique, Principal of Littlefellows Daycare and Elementary School. This episode was hosted by Ms. Khadija, CEO of Pakistan Alliance for Early Childhood.

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In this podcast, Shafia and Khadija addressed pressing concerns that many parents and caregivers face in raising healthy children, while also exploring common pitfalls in parenting. Their expertise and experience provided a wealth of valuable insights and practical solutions to help navigate the challenges of parenting and education. They delved deep into topics such as establishing effective routines and creating a structured environment that supports children's well-being. Moreover, they talked about actionable strategies for building strong parent-child relationships, implementing positive discipline techniques, and fostering open communication within the family. For more details, watch the podcast:
How to Raise Healthy Children

Dissemination event of flagship report, Pakistan Human Capital Review (PHCR) by World Bank

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On Thursday, May 4, 2023, World bank hosted the dissemination event of the Pakistan Human Capital Review (PHCR) at Serena Hotel Islamabad. Ms. Khadija attended the event as an invited participant. The PHCR report analyses various aspects of human capital in Pakistan, highlighting challenges and opportunities - including early childhood development, child malnutrition and stunting, out-of-school children and learning poverty, and labor market outcomes of the poor. The event brought together senior government officials, World Bank representatives, policy makers, and other stakeholders.

Consultative Workshop on Early Childhood Development (ECD)

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Following the event, a consultative workshop took place on June 5th at the Marriot Hotel in Islamabad. The workshop aimed to capitalise on the opportunities identified and lay the groundwork for a strategic plan focusing on early childhood development (ECD) investments in Pakistan.

Ms. Khadija actively participated and provided valuable insights. She emphasised the significance of early childhood development (ECD) and explained its importance in laying the foundation for later stages, such as early childhood education (ECE). Ms. Khadija highlighted the distinction between ECD and ECE, emphasising that ECD comes before ECE and plays a crucial role in shaping a child's overall development.

3rd International Conference on Inclusive Education by UMT, Lahore

Mr. Muhammad Rafique Tahir, a member of the PAFEC Board of Directors, and Ms. Khadija Khan, CEO PAFEC were invited to the 3rd International Conference on Inclusive Education(ICIE 2023) by the University of Management and Technology - UMT, Lahore in April, 2023. The theme of the Conference was “Building Alternative Learning Ecosystems to Counter COVID-19 Aftermath".

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As a panelist, Ms. Khadija Khan talked about Early Childhood Development; the significance of the first 1000days, why children’s early experiences are crucial for their development, how the ‘serve and return approach’ works for the child’s brain development, what is Nurturing Care Framework and why all key ECD stakeholders should follow it.

The participants listened to the presentation with keen interest, asked many questions, and showed interest to learn more about this subject. They requested her to arrange a detailed workshop for them on ECD. Mr. Muhammad Rafique Tahir concluded the overall session and said that PAFEC will work with the Education Department of UMT on ECD in the future.

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Featured Stories from PAFEC Members

TRC: Empowering Teachers since 1986

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The Teachers' Resource Centre (TRC) has been empowering teachers in Pakistan since 1986. As a non-profit organisation, TRC focuses on improving education standards nationwide through teacher training programs. With a legacy of over three decades, TRC believes that well-trained and passionate educators create an optimal learning environment for children. Generous support from partners and donors enables comprehensive training programmes that emphasise student interaction, parental engagement, effective classroom practices, and relevant teaching materials.

TRC's expertise extends to identifying and addressing learning problems in both public and private schools, while also providing technical support to the government. Notably, TRC played a crucial role in developing Pakistan's first Early Childhood Education (ECE) Curriculum in 2002, which has become fundamental to early childhood education across the country.

Building upon this success, TRC established its own Early Childhood Education Institute in 2005 in collaboration with Sheridan College and Ryerson University in Canada. This institute offers a one-year certificate course in English and Urdu streams, providing rigorous development and support for teachers, school heads, education leaders, practitioners, and caregivers in diverse ECE contexts.

The English diploma stream is a TQUK-certified Level 4 Qualification, making TRC the first TQUK approved centre in Pakistan. The Urdu diploma stream is STEDA & SBTE accredited and offers skill enhancement opportunities and merit-based scholarships to teachers from under-resourced schools.

Graduates of the Early Childhood Education Diploma (ECED) Programme from TRC express fulfilment in their learning journey. They commend the experienced educators at TRC who guided them and emphasise the support received even after completion. Many graduates, such as Tabinda Zain, feel grateful for the chance to learn from exceptional educators and appreciate TRC's ongoing support. Madeeha Batool highly recommends the certification, emphasising its ability to empower children from an early stage and create professional practices with high standards of care. Iqra Zeeshan, another graduate, describes the course as a phenomenal experience that deepened her understanding of children's holistic growth and provided valuable insights for diverse teaching settings. Other programme graduates echo similar sentiments, highlighting improved employment prospects, career advancement, and a comprehensive understanding of early learning environments.

To learn more about TRC's ECED Programme and other services, please visit http://www.trconline.org.

Facebook: TRCPakistan

Instagram: teachers_resource_centre

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Moawin Foundation: Nurturing Young Minds for a Better Tomorrow

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One of the many success stories of Moawin Foundation’s work in Gilgit-Baltistan revolves around the transformative impact of Early Childhood Care & Education (ECCE) in the remote valleys of Baltistan. This story highlights the positive outcomes achieved through the establishment of 35 ECCE centers in Gilgit-Baltistan and the subsequent improvement in children’s academic performance and overall education system

Zaheera, a dedicated and concerned mother, was determined to provide the best education and developmental opportunities for her son. However, her initial attempts at a private school didn't yield the expected results.

Zaheera discovered from her community members that Government boys Middle School Dain (Adopted by MOAWIN FOUNDATION), located in her neighbourhood, had introduced an Early Childhood Development (ECD) centre, equipped with basic facilities designed to nurture young minds. The centre boasted specially designed furniture for children, a safe and comfortable environment, an LED TV for interactive learning, a small art and science corner, and an ECD-trained teacher.

"Intrigued and hopeful, I took a leap of faith and enrolled my son in the ECD Center Dain. Within a remarkably short period, I observed positive changes in my son’s behavior. He has started to develop good habits, such as organizing his belongings, greeting others with respect, brushing his teeth regularly, and neatly folding his clothes. He looks forward to his class every morning with great enthusiasm”, says Zaheera, Moheed’s mother.

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Other mothers from my community have also shared that they noticed similar positive changes in their own children. They shared stories of their kids becoming more confident, responsible, and eager to learn. The impact of the ECD Center Dain in short span of time is evident from the parents inspired to enrol their children in the program.

For Zaheera, the success story of the ECD Center was more than just a personal achievement. She reflected on her own childhood, where educational opportunities were scarce, and the importance of early childhood development was unknown. With a sense of gratitude and satisfaction, she expressed her happiness that the children and parents in her community now had the opportunity to benefit from such a transformative program.

“As a teacher, it is really difficult to keep the students engaged, particularly, in early years when they get distracted with the things around them. Moheed is one of those students who are always eager on learning new things without getting distracted”, says Moheed’s Teacher.

The story of Zaheera and the ECD Center Dain serves as the first step towards improving the quality education in Dain's community. By recognising the significance of early childhood development and providing a nurturing environment, the ECD Center is shaping the future of these young minds and setting them on a path of lifelong learning. To learn more about Moawin Foundation, please visit https://mf.org.pk/

Upcoming Events


General Articles & Announcements

Toolkits and Guides/Briefs

Academic Articles

BMC Medicine: Rates of maternal weight gain over the course of pregnancy and offspring risk of neurodevelopmental disorders

BMC Public Health: Early childhood developmental status and its associated factors in Bangladesh: a comparison of two consecutive nationally representative surveys

Early Childhood Development Quarterly: Early childhood predictors of black children's achievement: Home, early care and education, and neighbourhood contexts

Frontiers in Psychology: Teaching interprofessional collaboration among future healthcare professionals

IJERE: Leadership role in promoting childhood education: Perception of practitioners in Pakistan

Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry: Commentary: Best practices and processes for assessment of autism spectrum disorder – the intended role of standardised diagnostic instruments

JAMA: Assessment of Psychosocial and Neonatal Risk Factors for Trajectories of Behavioral Dysregulation Among Young Children From 18 to 72 Months of Age

Lancet Glob Health: Measuring stillbirth and perinatal mortality rates through household surveys: a population-based analysis using an integrated approach to data quality assessment and adjustment with 157 surveys from 53 countries

Lancet Glob Health: Accelerating progress on early childhood development forchildren under 5 years with disabilities by 2030

The Lancet: Regional Health, Americas - Safer at school early alert: an observational study of wastewater and surface monitoring to detect COVID-19 in elementary schools

PLOS Global Health: Nutritional care for children with feeding difficulties and disabilities: A scoping review

Translational Psychiatry: Fetal inflammatory response and risk for psychiatric disorders

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