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turn your anger into action...

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A judge in Texas just ruled on an abortion case that could result in a nationwide ban on mifepristone – a safe, FDA-approved medication that's used in more than half of all abortions across the country. This ban could even impact states where abortion is legal and constitutionally protected.

That means that if Jim Banks is elected to the US Senate, there is the real possibility that no woman will have control over her body in the US and especially in Indiana, a state that already struggles to ensure proper medical care for women and girls, while leading much of the developed world in the rate of maternal and infant mortality. More women will face this unprecedented attack on their freedom and their health if Jim Banks is elected to the US Senate.

Jim Banks has been leading the attack on a woman’s right to choose for over a decade. He's promised to throw women in jail, to criminalize those who helped women get healthcare, and even make certain birth control ILLEGAL. Now he even supports criminal charges for women who leave the state to get an abortion.

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Let’s use these next days — between now and when we get a common sense Hoosier Democrat in the race — to raise the resources we need to win political power and hold Jim Banks accountable. Do not succumb to the temptation to despair or give up in the face of this attack. Turn your anger into action and focus on what will do the greatest good.

Jim has packed his wife and kids up and sent them back to their $1 million house in Virginia while he still travels the state spreading his lies and misinformation.

Please, if you’re able to, will you chip in $10 or more right now – to our Ad Fund to ensure our new ad is seen everywhere Jim Banks travels this week.

Here is the best link to donate: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/hoosiers4commonsense

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Hoosiers for Common Sense PAC's mission is to help elect a common sense Hoosier Democrat to fill Indiana’s upcoming open US Senate Seat in 2024. Democrats face a difficult map in 2024 while holding only a slim 51-49 majority.

Indiana’s open US Senate seat could be the tipping point for who is going to control the US Senate. It is imperative to elect a common sense Hoosier who will:

  • Protect women’s reproductive healthcare rights.
  • Support public education and end high stakes testing.
  • Fight for workers right to organize.
  • Fight for middle class families
  • Fight for our Democracy, not try to overturn it
  • Fight for LGBTQ+ rights
  • Fight to save social security and medicare
  • Increase the minimum wage.
  • Protect our environment
  • Decriminalize marijuana.

We can not afford to let an extreme MAGA Republican like Jim Banks be our next US Senator, too much is at stake. Please consider a donation today to help us defeat the extreme MAGA agenda.

In the News:

Hoosiers for Common Sense PAC Appoints 3 to Advisory Board

Huntington, IN - Gary Snyder, President of Hoosiers for Common Sense PAC, today announced three new members to the Hoosiers for Common Sense PAC Advisory Board:

Ann M. Stack, Arts Advocate

Greg Hahn, Attorney

Robin Winston, Principal, Winston/Terrell Group

"I am excited and honored to have three outstanding and diverse individuals associated with our Hoosiers for Common Sense PAC. Each board member brings a unique background that will offer a diverse opinion and guidance on how we move forward to elect a common sense Hoosier Democrat to Indiana's US Senate seat in 2024," said Snyder.

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PO Box 382, Huntington, IN 46750

Paid for by Hoosiers for Common Sense PAC 

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.


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