We've published the outcome of our consultation on the indicators we will use to monitor social landlords’ performance against Energy Efficiency Standard for Scottish Social Housing (EESSH).
The indicators set out the information landlords need to provide to demonstrate their performance against the Standard.
The Scottish Government's milestone for all social homes to meet the Standard is 31 December 2032.
The Energy Efficiency Standard is important to ensure tenants and their families have warm, affordable homes. Monitoring performance against the standard is an important priority for us. We’ve kept the number of indicators to a minimum to make the collection of information as simple as possible. We’ve also reflected the temporary exemption category of ‘acute housing need’ added by the Scottish Government to acknowledge the pressures landlords may face, particularly in rural areas. Consultation respondents showed broad support for our proposals. The vast majority said we are asking about the right things. In the Summer, we will publish technical guidance to support landlords to make their first return under the new indicators on 31 May 2022.
Thank you to all of the tenants, landlords and others who responded to our consultation. |